To begin I am new to Jekyll and I have not done any web development since 2013 ish. To elaborate a little more, I primarily focus on iOS development and really only dabbled in web (not my favorite thing). I recently found out about Jekyll and decided to give it a shot, after all I kind of needed a website. So I began with the setup and created my first Jekyll project, I found the whole setup process to be very simple in fact even enjoyable. Next came the customization of my new site, armed with my limited knowledge of CSS I began the process of making the site my own. Along the way I found myself wondering about a few things and luckily the answers were always in reach thanks to many blogs talking about Jekyll. After a few days of twaeking, I finally had something I enjoyed and for no cost other than time and domain names.

I must say Jekyll made the task of creating a website that much easier while maintaining full customizability. Overall I think Jekyll is a great tool for any developer or blogger that wants more control but also doesn’t want the headache of maintenance.

Jekyll has got me interested in web again and I hope to dive deeper into both.