Seven years have passed since I last engaged with this site and shared content. This platform remains a personal space where I post items that pique my interest or prove useful to me. During my hiatus, I ventured into construction, building and working with concrete. Before that, I had a stint in the oil fields, and even earlier in 2018, I contributed to an open-source project called Trust Wallet, which Binance eventually acquired.

After my final contribution to this repository, I took a break from the digital world, setting aside Xcode, VS Code, and GitHub. Around the same time, my trusty 2012 MacBook Pro 15” ceased to receive software updates, marking the end of an era.

Now, I’m turning over a new leaf. Armed with a 14” MacBook Pro equipped with an M3 Pro chip and 36 GB of RAM, I am ready to rekindle my technical skills. My goal is to commit to creating apps, tools, and anything that I find intriguing or practical. It’s going to be a challenging journey, as I feel somewhat out of touch with the coding world. It’s almost as if I’m starting from scratch. Nevertheless, I’m ready for this long haul and excited about these new beginnings. Wish me luck on this fresh endeavor.